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Renton Church of Christ

Thank you for visiting the Renton Church of Christ!  We are so glad you are here!

We are a dedicated group of Christians striving to follow Jesus Christ and His word. We accept the Bible as authority for teaching and conduct, therefore we promote:

  • Studying His word carefully and with an open mind
  • Practicing what we learn to the best of our ability
  • Helping each other grow in Christ

    Thank you for visiting our website. We hope we can meet you in person someday. Visitors are always welcome at the Renton Church of Christ. Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have, we would love to hear from you!

    Please come and visit any time!

    If you are thinking about visiting for the first time, you may be wondering what to expect when you worship with us. We want you to know we welcome you to our services regardless of your religious beliefs. We hope you will bring your Bible and study with us.

    The Lord’s Supper

    The Lord’s Supper is partaken of by all members during the assembly on the first day of every week just as it was done in the first century. (I Cor. 11:23-26, Acts 20:7) During this memorial, plates containing pieces of unleavened bread will be passed throughout the congregation. Each person will break off a piece of the bread and eat it.  Next, trays filled with small cups will contain “fruit of the vine”, each person take one cup and drinks it.

    If you choose not to participate, feel free to just pass the plate or tray to the person next to you.

    Our Music

    Our Music is the praise of our lips without mechanical accompaniment “a cappella”.  (Col. 3:16) The entire congregation sings at every service. Since the New Testament leaves instrumental music out, we simply believe it’s best to exclude it as well. (1Corinthians 14:15, Ephesians 5:18-19, Hebrews 2:12)

    Our Prayers

    There will be several prayers during the service and are heartfelt offerings unto God as commanded by God’s word and practiced by the apostles. (Acts 2:24, Phil 4:16, I Tim. 2:1-8)

    The Offering/Giving

    If you visit on a Sunday a collection basket will be passed to collect our weekly financial offering.  This is an offering by our members to meet the needs of the church.  Visitors are not expected to give money. Please just pass the basket to the next person in the pew. (I Cor. 16:1-2, II Cor. 9:5-7)

    The Invitation

    At the end of the sermon,  there will be an invitation extended, at this time a closing hymn will be sung and people may come forward because they want to make a commitment, a request for prayers, or want be baptized for the remission of sins.Let us get to know you better!After the worship service has ended, we would love for you to stay for a few minutes so we can get to know you better. We love meeting new visitors!